Buy a working private cheat for the game Veiled Experts from the developer Crooked Arms

Despite the fact that the Veiled Experts game was released in early access, the developers of Crooked Arms managed to create a full-fledged working private cheat. The program was ready for a long time, even at the stages of the first beta tests. It's nice to see how the online shooter grows. And how the excitement around the only, at the moment, working private cheat is growing. Naturally, there are a huge number of people who would like to dominate the enemy. Don't worry, the activation keys for the private cheat are enough for everyone! The software has been equipped with all the necessary powerful features that are guaranteed to lead you and your team to the first places. We used a modern way to bypass anti-cheat, which has proven itself well in other projects. If there are any difficulties, our team will answer all your questions and help with the launch and installation.
Before publishing the article, I managed to play Veiled Experts. At first glance, this is a pretty interesting game. I can’t say that the developers have come up with something new and ingenious, but it has a place to be and can even be recommended to friends. A working private cheat fits perfectly into the atmosphere of fierce battles on a small map, which will give all the necessary information about the enemy. And the aimbot will accurately aim the mouse at a given part of the enemy’s body. At first, few people understood the dynamics of the game, so it was not difficult for me to finish the match with victories, with a large number of frags. Without resorting to using a cheat. I think that after a while it will not be so easy to fly into the game.
Supported processors: Intel, AMD;
Supported OS: Windows 10-11 x64;
Supported builds: 1903(18362), 1909(18363), 2004(19041), 20H2(19042), 21H1(19043), 21H2(19044), 21H2 (22000), 22H2 (22621), 23H2 (22631);
In order to find out the version of your OS, insert the WINVER command into the Windows search and press ENTER.
Project type: External; Superimposed on top of the game client.
Game Mode: Windowed and Borderless;
Easy start and installation.
Supported game version: Steam;
Scale in the system and in the game: 100%;

Private cheat system requirements for Veiled Experts game

Additional Information:

You can buy a private Crooked Arms cheat online on our website

Private cheat functionality


Only visible (Только видимые)

Friends (Друзья)

Name (Имя)

Weapon (Оружие)

Line (Линии)

Health (Здоровье)

Armor (Броня)

Box type:(Боксы )




Skeleton (Скелеты(с учетом видимости)

Size line skeleton: (Размер скелета(1-3))

Skeleton draw distance: (Дальность рисования скелета)

Distance (Дистанция)

Backlight distance: (Дальность подсветки (от 10м до 1000м))


Enable radar

Backlight distance:

Position by X:

Position by Y:






Enable aimbot (Аим (срабатывает при удержании указанной клавиши)

Lock target (Зафиксировать цель)

Do not aim at friends (Не целитесь на друзей)

Do not aim at knocked players (Не целитесь на нокаутированных)

Visibility check (Учет стен)

Aim priority: (Приоритет аима)

Distance (Дистанция)

Crosshair (Прицел)

Control radius:область в которой вы можете свободно двигать мышкой когда аим прилипнет к игроку (чем больше значение тем больше область)

Draw fov circle (Включение и отключение визуального круга FoV)


Fov: (Угол обзора(FOV)(зона срабатывания аима))

Distance: (Дистанция срабатывания аима)

Enable prediction (Включение и отключение прогнозирование выстрела)

Draw aim prediction (Прогнозирование цели )

Bones selection:( выбор кости . вы можете выбрать 1 кость или несколько костей)

Head ( голова)

Neck ( шея)

Left elbow ( левая рука)

Right elbow (Правая рука)

Body ( тело)

Pelvis ( пах)

Left knee ( левое колено)

Right knee ( правое колено)

Bone change time: (Частота смены кости)

Key selection:( Выбор клавиши для работы аима) (ЛЮБАЯ НА ВАШ ВЫБОР)


Visible players color

Invisible players color

My team players color

Target player color

Knoked players color

AI players color

Drones color


Open menu key:

After payment, you will receive detailed instructions, a download link and an activation key. All the necessary data will come to your mail, which you specify before payment.
In case of difficulties - write to us using the contact details. We will be happy to answer you and help you with the launch and installation.